Hey y’all it’s me your penpal Winnie 🧡 I’m in Singapore at the moment which makes it a perfect opportunity to respond to Kelly’s manifesto from last week and prompt of checking in with your past selves. I have 28 years worth of past selves in this place after all. 😬 P.S. Am also responding to Wilhemina’s gem tucked away in the comments.
on the way to chinese garden MRT station
after kelly/after wilhemina
reports of killer litter keep anxious singaporeans
from walking under HDBs. on this path under the
tracks past condos on the other side. sometimes
i’m sure of my feelings for you, other times not. when
you see a train about to arrive in 1 minute do you run
for it. you might think no but you always do. marigold
paintings at this station that never change. more
immortal than me. i run. oh yes i run. if it’s meant
to be yours. someone’s likely to snap a picture
of me here. not because i’m famous but because they
want to make me. what feelings are you suppressing
right now. no train conductors here, or buskers working
the aisles. bare feet for tropical weather, rain and sweat.
here we go. the gazes again. work my blind eye. always
the little barbs. can't be placed.
*HDBs are high rise residential government apartment blocks in Singapore.
Your prompt this week is to miss one world cup match to read one chapter of a book. Let us know what you read in the comments and drop us a quote or two 😘
And that’s it folx! I’m gonna go join Wilhemina in the basement now. Love y’all loads, kisses and see you somewhere that’s green <3
Signing off,
Winnie xx
Oh. Love it. I like the constant switching between observing the outside world and the inside world. Plus, it's fun to read a poem set in Singapore. It's a setting that I see not enough of.
Thank you.