Hello patient poets! While Kelly was busy in Paris cosplaying her former self, I have checked myself into an artistic rehab for Grapevine.earth! As you may have gathered from the past few poems, I am not doing too great, so here’s a poem I submitted alongside my intake forms!
Intake form
For the next three months I will be reflecting alongside curator Olivia Abando on burn out, creative exhaustion, and ultimately (hopefully!) artistic rehabilitation. You can keep up with the next 12 weeks of rehabilitative work here! I would love it if you checked out this new and exciting project! Here are some spoilers:
P.S. sorry this is a day late, I got a pretty gnarly ear infection but now the antibiotics are pumping full force through me and I am growing into a better poet!
Xoxo L
Sorry about the ear infection. Yay for antibiotics and growth. Love the blackout poetry here and resonated with a few of those "self-deprecating" notions too.