Have you ever been fingered by the invisible hand? 💅
all he can gift me are things that have already been mine
Have you ever been fingered by the invisible hand? 💅
Kelly responding to Larissa’s piece, “How to lose a guy that lives in your head & feeds your internalized misogyny in 10 days”
all he can give me
are things
that have already been mine
as “free market” treasures:
a Marc by Marc bag,
lost HitClips,
Claire’s earrings,
& roses, so many roses
plucked from my own garden
returning them only
as bloodied-red stems
the pink detachment
of she/them’s
is eroticism is
no doubt about it
how will I ever?
strip this suspicion
of strangers from my skin
applying endless layers
of MAC Lipglass
to my mouth BBM-ing him
from the top of my lungs
to come
with something novel this time
or at least,
an Auntie Anne’s pretzel
with cheese, plz
See you next week 😘 ✌️
things already yours
so good